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This week marks the 126th week in a row I've written something on Substack. And I'm the first person to say they're not all winners. But when I started writing at the beginning of 2022, I knew that I would fail if I was too focused on the quality of writing, or the response online. So I set only one goal. Don't miss a week. And thus far I haven't.
But I'll tell you what, it can be an exhausting experience. Each week I wonder more and more what I'll write about. It's not that I don't have stuff that I WANT to write about. Its more a function of capacity.
My pattern is consistent, albeit wanting. Every week, I help put together the Contrary Research newsletter, which often ends up taking up my Friday night / Saturday morning. I wake up every Saturday at 4:30 AM. I usually spend 4:30 to 6 finishing the research newsletter. Then I spend something like 6 AM to 8 or 9 AM writing my blog. Sometimes a little longer if the kids don’t have stuff going on. Whatever I have once I need to get going for the day? That's what I send out.
This week was no different. I was sort of dreading figuring out what I was going to write. I wandered through a massive list of topics I’ve wanted to cover.
And while I was wandering I found a topic I'd had on my list for quite a while. I started to dig into some of the links and videos I'd saved. And I realized that this was actually a topic I happened to write about once a year, every year, right around this time of year! And it really was something I'd been thinking a lot about the last few weeks. It was fascinating to see that my brain had these patterns.
And I realized two things: (1) creativity comes in these sine waves where its more important for you to capture them when they come than it is to try and create them out of nothing, and (2) the topic was too big for me to cover this week. So I reflected on that reality. Had some mental appreciation for the opportunity I have to write and think out loud. And then I laid out the outline for the post I want to write, and I'll write it next week.
As for this week, I just wanted to reflect on my own creative process. And acknowledge how quickly we can go from feeling like we have nothing to say to having too much to say that you don't have time to say it.
But I'm grateful to have something to say even if I don't always have the time, words, or skill to say it well.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a lawn to mow, a baseball game for my boys, a birthday party to chaperone, and some work to sneak in during nap time.
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Capturing creativity is definitely a habit. I reflect often on the "Groundhog Day" how you over time the main character just got better and better at optimising the day. I spend a large chunk of my time. Getting better at having a really good day! Hope the party went well!