thanks for sharing, this is very interesting. also reflected lately on my reading style. which will help me improve tremendously next year. excited already: https://k7v.in/how-i-read

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This has been a fun one to read and I reached my goal of reading 10 books last year and excited for what I will be reading this year! Definitely adding fiction to my list

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Very interesting! I’ve never personally tracked the number of books I read annually. Now that Spotify included audiobooks I’ve listened to 3 full length books in the span of two weeks.

Charlie Munger once said “Most books I don't read past the first chapter. I'm not burdened by bad books”. This stuck with me - having a filter for the content you consume and whether it’s additive to your life as well as not succumbing to the dunk cost fallacy.

My favorite reads of the year: Mastering Private Equity (helpful how to guide), The List (Yomi Adegoke), The Answer (Allan and Barbara Pease), The Silent Wife (A.S.A Harrison)

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